Volunteer Staff
Nursery leader

Hello I’m Brittany. I was raised in church, but that didn’t mean I was a Christian. In the summer of 2014 I rededicated my life to Jesus and started to truly live for Him. I was always asked to help in the nursery, but I had not had much experience with kids. However, God started to work in my heart as I had my miracle son Bruce and I went from a helper in the nursery to the leader.
Brittany Douglas
worship team leader
I got saved at the age of 16, going into my junior year of High School. I was raised in church, but still lived the life that I wanted to live. I didn’t live for God, but to please my flesh. At the age of 16, I rededicated my life to God and started making a conscious effort to live for God. He set me free from all my sin and made me a new person. Once I started living for God, I quickly began to see God's grace and favor, elevating me to positions I didn’t think I would be in. I started playing the drums for song service and not too long after that I was asked to lead the worship team. I love the song service, I believe it sets the dynamic for the rest of the service.
Jeremy Swift
Media Coordinator
My name is Alyssa and I got saved when I was 22 years old. I have always believed in God and I even grew up going to church, however, I would say my life was a complete mess before my salvation. I was always out partying, driving while drinking, and some nights I couldn't even remember how I got home. I was just living in sin. Even though I knew the way I was living was not right, I struggled to live the way I knew Jesus wanted me to until I joined The Door Church. My life after salvation has been amazing! God has opened so many new doors for me and has blessed me beyond measure. It amazes me what amazing things God can do in your life when you love Him and live according to his word!
Alyssa Gonzales
My name is Kathy Colern and I got saved 16 years ago at the age of 22. I was raised in a good Christian home with both of my parents, but that didn’t keep me from making poor decisions in my life. When I was 14, I started dating a guy who slowly introduced me to drugs and alcohol. At the age of 16, I ended pregnant with my son. I decided that it was best to leave my son’s dad because I didn’t want to raise my son around the drugs and that lifestyle. Things were good for a while but when I turned 21, I wanted to “live” a little. So, I started clubbing and drinking with my friends. I met a guy that was a little bit older than me. He kept pushing me to get married but I knew he was not the one. My son and I left our hometown of El Paso, TX to get away from that relationship. God got a hold of me in San Antonio, TX exactly 1 week after arriving. Six months later, I was at a bible study and a guy I had never met walked in. Little did I know, one year and a half later, I would call him my husband. Jeffrey and I have been married for almost 15 years and we have a daughter named, Sophia. God redeemed me the day I gave my life to Him. I never looked back!
Coffee Barista